Thursday, March 1, 2012

a musical pair

i'm thinking from indonesia, probably bali.   gorgeous.  they don't hang very well on the wall, i'll have to work on that.  bargain


  1. Very unique! About hanging on the wall I have used the clear fishing line to wrap around some sculptured figures. I wrap around enough times to make it secure. The last thing I always have to do is to make sure there are enough lines going upward so that the sculpture hangs in a natural way -- as if suspended without leaning too much. It does take a bit of doing. My most successful were those suspended under a shelf -- protected from the normal life that travels about in a home. And when the sculptured figures are secured to the underside of the shelf you can always change things -- add or subtract for the season or mood.

    1. thanks Jean, i'll give that a try. i have plenty of fishing line :)
